Often Stories of men with hidden disabilities get ignored

Often the stories of men with hidden disabilities get ignored or they simply don't get shared, still today the attitude of "be a man" exists and some think men should toughen up and just deal with it. We get labeled as complainers if we mention our struggles but I believe sharing my story is important as it can help encourage others to start sharing theirs.

Now at this point in my progression with Becker Muscular Dystrophy one day I could look perfectly fine, able to walk short distances but the next day desperately needing to use my mobility scooter. Like everyone I have my good and bad days. See, my needs can change from day to day but I still face plenty of ignorance from strangers when they can't easily recognize that I have a disability. It's certainly frustrating as I always seem to have run-ins with ignorant people whenever I am having one of those rare good days. 

It was only a few years ago on a good day when having a somewhat hidden disability got me into trouble with a grumpy old senior citizen, he saw me parked in an accessible parking space which set him off - instantly he went after me by insulting me very loudly in the parking lot of the local mall at this point I immediately tried to explain to him that I had Becker Muscular Dystrophy - he accused me of lying.

Eventually he said I know what your disability is and pointed to his head. Now off in the distance I did hear a person say that it wasn't worth my time arguing with this very ignorant old man. So at that point I turned and walked away though I felt threatened and unsafe as at any moment I knew he could have physically assaulted me and I simply wouldn't have the strength to defend myself.

It's in these moments you get very frustrated that some people are still so ignorant and have no understanding of the wide range of disabilities that exist and that not all of them are visible.

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