I might be smiling but...

I may be smiling but deep down inside especially after a day like yesterday I really don't enjoy living with Becker Muscular Dystrophy. Last Monday started out ok just like any other day. That is until later in the day I fell hard onto the bedroom floor after stepping on a hair brush that our cat had knocked onto the hardwood floor earlier in the day. I simply stepped on it accidentally and started sliding. The next thing I know I am doing the splits landing incredibly hard onto my rear.

At first I was worried so I quickly checked myself over hoping I didn't reinjure the knee that had just started feeling better after the fall I had suffered back in July. So there I found myself on the floor. I was home alone so I knew my only option was sliding across the floor into the kitchen where I keep my little step stool. Then I needed to work my way up onto my hands and knees and get myself up into a seated position on the stool. 

The next thing I did was slide a kitchen chair directly behind me, then with any strength I had left working myself up onto the chair. After this I can finally use the kitchen table as an aid to help me get back onto my feet. It was once I was standing I noticed the side of my index fingers knuckle was hurting pretty badly. I guess I will have to give it time to heal. Now thankfully that was the only injury I received, though my leg is hurting a little bit today. 

Now sure some might tell us we need to be positive despite these challenges we face, well I am living with a life altering condition, one that will only get worse over time and some days aren't easy. I simply think we all need to start being honest that sometimes it can be very difficult living with something that often has a negative effect on your daily life.  

Now some might prefer for us to just smile and act like everything is alright and yes most days I have every reason to smile but on days when the realities of aging with Muscular Dystrophy slaps me in the face I think it's okay to get upset. After all, it's not like I enjoy living with Becker Muscular Dystrophy.

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