Family & friends need to understand the issues we face (PART 1)

When it comes to living with a disability I am sure I am not the only one who has to deal with people in our lives who refuse to take the time to learn even a little bit about the issues we face. I believe it is especially important for our family and friends to better understand what we might go through on a daily basis. This is one of the main reasons why I started the My Becker’s Story blog. Now it must be known that I am not looking for sympathy by sharing my story just a little understanding. Honestly I long for everyone in my life to one day fully understand what it means for someone to live with Becker's Muscular Dystrophy. 


The first thing I would like them to know is that it causes progressive muscle weakness. Which means I will slowly lose the ability to do some things most people take for granted. Simple things like climbing a set of stairs, getting up from a chair or even walking. Still today there are those out there who simply can't understand why I have such difficulties doing things other people do without even thinking twice. Now before I go any further I need to make it clear that despite having Becker’s Muscular Dystrophy I am at a point in my progression where I can still walk - though I do face a few difficulties with climbing stairs and lifting heavy objects. At this point I could actually be considered to be living with a hidden disability. 


Sadly even in these days and times many people are still making the mistake of automatically assuming that people with disabilities are much older people who use canes, walkers and wheelchair to get around. These are the types of people who have trouble understanding the issues those of us living with hidden disabilities face. This is when the famous old saying don't judge a book by it's cover needs to come into play. After all, some people take the time to judge you but won’t spend any learning about the issues you face as a result of your disability.

Please (Click Here) to read Part 2
“Why it is important for family & friends to understand the issues we face."

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