Authenticity in Disability Matters - Sharing Every Part of our Stories is Important in Inspiring Change

You know, sometimes it feels like the only thing people want to see from those of us with disabilities is us travelling and acting like everyone else. Then, we get called "inspiring" just because we're not letting our disability stop us. But what about those who can't travel and struggle daily? It seems like no one outside our community wants to hear about our struggles. And if we do share them, we're often labelled as complainers.

When we talk about disability income support programs, we're seen as lazy people living off the system. The truth is, some people with disabilities have the privilege of coming from wealthy families, while others are just trying to make ends meet. So, let's not just focus on the so-called inspiring stories. For some, having a disability isn't a great thing.

People talk about "disability joy," but I've never felt that. While my disability doesn't always stop me from enjoying life, what I experience most days is far from joy. The reality for many of us with disabilities is that we have days that almost break us and days when we get through tough moments with ease. This post is about embracing both sides of disability - the good and the bad - because both are equally important in helping to raise awareness and a better understanding of the issues those with disabilities face.

"Instead of concealing your struggles to impress or appease the general public, always share every aspect of your story. Transparency in your experiences is crucial and can provide valuable insights to those outside our community.”

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