Today's fall only helped to confirm one thing...

Well that's hurt! As my body slammed onto the kitchen floor a lot of emotions came about, frustration, anger and disappointment. This fall was 1000% the result of our current small, low to the ground vehicle. One which creates extreme difficulty when trying to get up and out of the vehicle. It simply takes so much energy if I do it too many times it becomes exhausting. Then due to its small size there is no possibility of bringing my mobility scooter along.

All this added up to today was a wicked fall on the kitchen floor. Something that is no fun at all as next comes the effort to get up off the tile floor. With my wife being home she was able to get me a little step stool to work myself onto, then I pause for a minute or two and work my way up onto a kitchen chair. Then pause for another minute or two and attempt to get back onto my feet.

The biggest frustration today is that this fall was caused by our current vehicle which we desperately need to replace with a minivan or SUV since they sit at a level much better for me and work best for my current and future and physical needs.

At this point in time the biggest barrier to making this happen is the costs involved, especially to cover the important aftermarket equipment it will need such as a mobility scooter hoist lift that can step in and do the heavy lifting MD makes impossible for me.

This truly isn't about fulfilling a selfish need but one that is important in keeping me in the fight Muscular Dystrophy it's just these days nothing comes cheap especially for those with disabilities. 

So today I am just thankful my fall onto the kitchen floor didn't result in a visit to the hospital as that's the last place I want to be these days. It's just a simple fact that the ability to replace our current vehicle with one that provides me with more accessibility, along with the ability to get in and out of with ease without it exhausting me is important along with the ability to take my mobility scooter with me. 

I am sick of falling and if it keeps happening one day it will end badly. So I survived today's fall but this only helps to confirm that our current vehicle is making life really difficult for me. So my hope is by some miracle even though it is a huge one to soon be driving a vehicle better suited to my needs.

Update! Thanks to a true miracle I am now driving a vehicle capable of handling all my physical needs including the ability to now transport my mobility scooter.

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