Much Needed Pride Mobility Scooter Arrives!

At first I thought it would be easy to secure funding for a mobility scooter, unfortunately things didn't turn out that way. As with everything in life a lot patience was in order. 

It all started with me reaching out to Muscular Dystrophy Canada, they let me know it would be best to apply for funding through the Government's Assistive Devices Program. They simply ask that we apply for funding from other sources in an effort to make sure they only use the funds donated to them when needed. This helps to ensure that donor funds are managed with care and responsibility.

Again Muscular Dystrophy Canada encouraged me to apply to the Assistive Devices Program offered through the Province of Ontario. This first step in this process involved reaching out to my local mobility aid devices store which happens to be Durham Medical. A simple step as I had dealt with them previously when Muscular Dystrophy Canada covered the cost of my much-needed lifter chair. They directed me to get in contact with one of their recommended occupational therapist and set up an appointment.

At this point occupational therapists were still doing at home visits - with the main stipulation being that we both had to wear a mask, so within a week I had my assessment and next they would submit my application to ADP. This is when the waiting game began, with ADP advisors now working from home and with a back log of applications I was told this process could take a few months. 

This all began in early spring so I thought by at least August the whole application process would be complete. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case as due to Covid19 I faced more than a few delays. With me not hearing anything over the next four months in September I gave ADP a quick call, I was told that some information was missing from my application - they said it had been corrected and they would be processing is as soon as they get the opportunity.

It actually took till early January when I finally received the call I'd been waiting almost nine months to receive - Durham Medical letting me know they got the approval and could deliver my Pride Mobility Scooter next week. It was on January 18th, 2021 when my Pride Mobility Go-Go LX with CTS suspension arrived. It was pretty exciting but at the same time a relief as in the past few years I'd suffered a few nasty falls. I truly can't wait till spring arrives and I am able to join my wife on walks through our local park. My only hope is that Covid19 doesn't get in the way of me enjoying my new found freedom. 

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