I don't have anxiety, I'm just a professional overthinker!

Not to make light of anxiety because it sucks. I simply realize I tend to overthink about upcoming situations, a simple thing like visiting the dentist or doctor makes me worry about getting stuck in the elevator I need to use. Going to a restaurant I worry about having to use the bathroom and the difficulties that would create for me. I worry about traveling and having to deal with inaccessibility or me being put in situations where I can't help myself. I worry about falling when taking the garbage out, my main concern there being nothing for me to climb up on to get myself back up. Worry about falling in the shower, the list goes on.

I pretty much over think everything. When your body starts letting you down and you can't help yourself in certain situations the mind starts to race. I currently can't get up from a chair unless I have something sturdy to push off of. A few years ago while doing that my arms gave out and I landed on a corner of a coffee table hitting my ribs pretty hard. Thankfully no injury. So you can see everything I do physically comes with risk.

Even when I am using my mobility scooter it doesn't completely ease my mind, it certainly led to some anxiety when it stopped working at the bottom of a hill. Yes I have range anxiety when using my mobility scooter. Thankfully on the day it stopped working after 15 minutes I saw the button on the front of the battery which reset it and I was back on my way. In that situation everything worked out.

I do realize a lot of my worry is for nothing as often my worse case scenario never happens. I guess this is a post sharing my frustrations in dealing with anxiety. It's not fun and what makes it worse is those who refuse to understand it. If I could control it I would and there are times I am successful at doing that. Does anyone else understand where I am coming from? Just know if you do I fully understand.

I guess we all have our good days and bad days but hopefully like me you're determined to keep fighting knowing it's normal to worry and be cautious, these are normal emotions we quickly label as anxiety. But I prefer to call myself an overthinker. It sounds less severe than using the word anxiety. I don't know if this post even has a point? Maybe I am posting this to see if there are others out there who understand.

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