Walking under the influence of Becker Muscular Dystrophy

When walking with Becker Muscular Dystrophy it can often look like we are walking as if we were drunk, this since we tend to follow whatever way our legs want to take us, in a way staggering along the way. This becomes more apparent whenever we are really tired. I share this as I remember another friend living with BMD who said once someone called the police on them because they saw him "Walking with Becker Muscular Dystrophy" to his car and drive away, thinking he was under the influence, well yes under the influence of weakened leg muscles. So all he was really guilty of was walking with Becker Muscular Dystrophy.

See for many of us due to our weakened leg muscles and if we are still walking we tend to have trouble walking in a straight line - at least that is my experience. So to the untrained eye they automatically see our way of walking as a sign something must be wrong, this as we simply walk in whatever direction our legs want to take us. So if pulled over by the police we would definitely fail a roadside field sobriety test being that we are unable to walk in a straight line or even balance on one foot.

So I always wondered what I would say if someone called the cops on me claiming I was drunk driving - this is when I would say; " Sorry officer I am not drunk, I am just guilty of walking with Becker Muscular Dystrophy."


But what if they didn't believe 🤔 me? I guess the cops 👮‍♂️ would just arrest me! 😳 Now thankfully I could just share with them a photo of my mobility scooter and my accessible parking permit and they would have to let me go right?

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