A few winter driving tips

When it comes to winter driving sometimes it takes a few people a bit more time than others to properly adjust their driving style to match weather conditions. These are usually the people you see on our roads during the winter months who speed, tailgate and simply don't take the time to properly clear snow and ice from their vehicles. Some make the mistake of believing that just because their vehicle is equipped with snow tires that they can drive how ever the please this isn't the case.

In an effort to help make the roads safer for all of us this winter season I have compiled a short list of tips that will hopefully help other drivers to start taking winter driving more seriously.

Top Safe Winter Driving Tips:

1 - Consider purchasing a good set of winter tires as they provide greater traction than all-season tires on snow and ice. If you can't afford winter tires make sure the ones that are on your vehicle are fully capable of getting you through the winter season safely.

2 -  Purchase a good set of winter wiper blades as they help to reduce ice accumulation which usually occurs on your regular all-season wiper blades. Doing this will help to ensure that no matter the weather conditions you will always be able to see clearly out of your windshield. You will also want to make sure that your windshield washer fluid reservoir is always topped up - this is something that can be a real life safer especially when your windshield becomes dirty through out the winter months.
3 - Keep a snow brush/scraper in your car at all times so you can properly clear your vehicles exterior of ice and snow. Most importantly you will always want to make sure that your exterior lights, mirrors and the top of your vehicle is cleared of ice and snow not only for your safety but the safety of others as well.

4 - Keep a winter emergency kit in your vehicle at all times and make sure to include a flashlight, small blanket and even a lightweight collapsible shovel. Each one of these items can become a real life saver if you ever run into trouble.

5 - Drive according to weather conditions, in most situation it is best to reduce your speed on snow and ice covered roads. The facts are that one of the main causes of most winter related accidents is speeding. So slow down.

6 - In winter conditions it is always best to drive slowly and very smoothly. You will always want to avoid making abrupt moves such as quick lane changes as this can cause your vehicle to lose control.

7 - Don't tailgate - As winter weather approaches road condition can deteriorate quickly, as roadways become covered in snow and ice your vehicles ability to stop quickly is greatly reduced. Even if your vehicle is equipped with ABS or traction control if you are tailgating in most circumstances you will not be able to come to a stop in time.

8 - You may also want to consider upgrading your headlight bulbs so you can have a clearer view of the road this winter season.

Please stay safe this winter season 

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