The day smoking saved my life, now I don't smoke but...

The other day smoking saved my life. Now I don't smoke but often run into people who do in the parking lot of my apartment building. Thankful this happened the other day when I went to take some garbage out. Unfortunately the parking lot was covered in ice after some snow fell the other day and I didn't notice this until it was too late. It was at this point I started to slide on the ice, then my legs tensed up to help me avoid a fall. It was in that moment I realized I was stuck with nowhere to go as I was surrounded by ice. Unfortunately the parking lot had not been salted yet a common issue I run into every winter season.

Thankful someone was smoking outside in the parking lot at the time and I was able to ask them to give me a helping hand. He asked what was wrong and this led to a quick opportunity to share a little bit with him about Muscular Dystrophy. At this point he offered to take the garbage bags I was holding to the bin for me, which really helped me out. I quickly asked if he could assist me in getting off the ice safely. He helped me and I quickly made my way back inside. This is the day that someone's smoking habit actually saved my life or at least saved me from a nasty fall.

At this point in my life I am so happy that I am no longer shy about asking other people for help when I need it. The lesson learned on this day is that during the winter season it is a great idea to always wear my yaktrax slip on ice walkers. As they are a true lifesaver and a must have for anyone still walking with Muscular Dystrophy!

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